Business Blueprint Reading

Energetic Business Blueprint Reading

While it's clear that we need certain business strategies in place to make money in business. What may not be clear is how you're designed to apply them.

Banish your doubts and concerns about how you "should" do business and learn how you're actually designed to do business in this human design reading with me. 

This 90 minute reading will bring clarity to the following questions

  • How are you naturally designed to show up consistently?
  • Who you naturally attract - Niche
  • Whats your marketing message and natural sales process?
  • Identify your unique saboteurs so you can use them to support your success rather than derail it.
  • How to keep your money flowing - and what blocks it?

This reading is your first step to working with me. 

This is a special introductory price and is a perfect gift for you, your colleagues and your clients who want to up level in 2024

Once you sign up, you will receive an email where you can schedule your call. The reading must be booked within 1 month of issue and are subject to availability. If you can't find a suitable time, just drop me an email with a few alternatives. 

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Business Blueprint Reading

There are many ways of doing business and there is your way. If you find that you've tried a number of business approaches without the success you expected, this is the reading for you. The business approaches you've learnt can be effective but when you can adapt them to your way of doing business - you sustain a balance between your creative flow, your expertise and your prosperous flow in a more sustainable way. 

Total due $177

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