Boost Your manifesting process using human design mini course

This course gives you a birds eye view on possible gaps in your manifesting process. What I have found is that the universal laws of the universe are consistent. You also manifest 24x7.


Is your manifesting process working the way you want?


  • Do you struggle to get the results you want in your business or life?
  • Maybe you have followed the laws of attraction & creation to the letter and still getting limited results?
  • Or you need a supercharge. Conventional strategies are no longer working the way they used to.
  • You get stuck in your manifesting process and you're not sure why.

You will be relieved to know, it's not your fault. 

The truth is that the laws of creation do operate 24 x 7 and we all experience this but how we experience them differs.  

So while the law of attraction Gurus can tell you about manifesting in general -

Your HUMAN DESIGN tells you HOW you're designed to Intentionally Engage the Law of Attraction in your Manifesting Process to Create Prosperity in EVERY Area of your Life.

How you are wired to get these amazing laws working for you is THE SECRET BEHIND THE SECRET

& this MINI COURSE gives you a taster of what to look for to boost your manifesting process.

 What to do next?

Go to one of the resources to get your human design chart. I use

Keep your chart beside you through the videos 

The videos below vary from 2 to 12 minutes.

Here is a Workbook to help map out your process. 



Boost Your Manifesting Skillset By Design - Mini Course


 This video talks about my manifesting discovery and tells you what to expect from the workshop. 

Commit to Your Process

In this video helps you to work with angels to clear any energies that come between you and your goals. 

Step 1 Completions

Do you know how you are designed to let things go so you can to make space for what you want to create instead?

Step 2 Ask for what you want

Are you good at asking for what you want? What gets in the way? Learn something new about asking in this video. 

Step 3 Nurture your Goal 

This video talks about how to stay connected to your goal by understanding both your saboteur and and your guidance process. 

Step 4 Inspired Action

How are you wired to receive inspiration and subsequently take action? I receive guidance through "knowing". You?

Step 5 The Art of Allowing 

 Allowing is simpler than you might think.  What do you say yes to? What do you say no to?

Q & A

I look at some designs and answer your questions about different aspects of the manifesting process. 


Download this workbook to refine your manifesting process here. How were you manifesting up to now? What will you do differently based on your design.

Now that you've learnt that there is more to your manifesting process than you realized, and that you may be the missing piece

I invite you to join me in my new online community. "Manifest By Design" where we spend 6 months walking you through your manifesting process; from the "ASK" to the "ART OF ALLOWING". 


  • You'll Perfect your Unique Manifesting Process
  • You're going to know exactly where and how you get stuck
  • You'll learn the skills to breakthrough & get the results you want
  • You'll identify the saboteurs and use them to keep you on track

Want to know more?

Check out this link for the details of Manifest by Design Community.

Whether you want to manifest more money in your business, attract a new relationship, improve a current relationship, attract the correct opportunities etc this is the community for you.  

If you have any questions please, feel free to email me at