
Perfectionism - Why it's so Costly to Your Business Success


Why Perfectionism can be so Costly in your business…

Perfectionism is defined as a philosophy which holds that perfection is attainable. It can show up as a refusal to accept any standard short of perfection. Philosophy is a theoretical basis to an ideal. I could stop writing this article now as perfectionism is an ideal rather than a truth.


But what you may not know is that perfectionism can set up a hidden cycle of striving and proving yourself that secretly sabotages and limits your ab…

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Why a Success Mindset is more than Positive Thinking


Why a Success Mindset is more than Positive Thinking

Have you ever wondered why positive thinking doesn’t seem to get you the results you want? You set your goal and do your best to stay absolutely positive about everything. Have you found, it’s so disappointing when your manifestation doesn’t show up in your life and your business.

The truth is, positive thinking only is not how our mind is designed to process information. We have negative thinking, doubts and confusion, ideas and opinio…

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The Power of Appreciation in Realizing Your Dreams


The Power of Appreciation in realizing your dreams

Appreciation is the key to receiving prosperous flow into your life. So often our dreams and opportunities don’t come wrapped with rainbows and roses. They show up in our lives as a challenge. When you create a practice of appreciation that life happens for you not to you, the manifesting game changes.

It’s funny but one of the biggest obstacles to manifesting prosperity is when we knowingly or unknowingly argue with reality. We wrangle wit…

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Manifesting by Design: 3 Steps to get more clarity on asking for what you want.


“If you’re uncertain about what’s coming next; why not create it?”


There is a lot of information out there about manifesting. Most of it is general. What people don’t know is that you have your specific way of interacting with the laws of the universe to make things happen in your life, regardless of what is going on in your life right now.


Here are 3 steps that help you get more clarity on your manifesting ask.

  1. Get clear on your ask.

The clearer you are about what you want the eas…

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What gets in the way of your prosperity? Is it possible to break through that glass ceiling?

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Prosperity is a flow in health, wealth, relationships, and your personal satisfaction with your life. So many of us would love money to be a tool for choice rather than a limiter. We would love our relationships to be healthy and our life to leave us feeling vibrant and alive. But often this is not the case. And what most people don’t know is that the biggest thing that gets in the way of your prosperity is you.

Annoying, isn’t it? We all want more, right? It’s not being greedy. But what we “…

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Why Prosperity is So Much More then Money in the Bank

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I used to think that prosperity was all about my bank balance. It was when I started learning about my manifesting method that I realized that prosperity is so much more than just money in the bank. 

The truth is that your bank balance is only one result of your prosperous flow, not the definer of it.

In fact, prosperity is about generating flow in every area of your life: health, wealth, relationships and personal satisfaction. And what most people may not know is that prosperity is an inside…

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3 Mistakes to avoid when Setting Goals - so your New Year Resolutions will stick in 2022

Goal Setting Dec 2022

Setting resolutions isn’t as easy as you think. Most people will have abandoned theirs by mid -end January. And it’s so easy to give yourself a hard time over it. But the truth is, setting goals or resolutions isn’t as easy as people think. There is a really good reason for that and it’s not something you’re doing wrong. It’s how we’re hard wired for survival.

You see, the second you make a resolution, you set up an invisible “gap” between what you want to make happen and what hasn’t happened…

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6 Steps to Break through Your old Business Patterns and take charge of your Prosperity for 2022…


There are so many transformational experts out there struggling to make money sharing their work but it doesn’t have to be that way. It could be that your prosperity pathway is turned OFF. That is your inner game of creating prosperity in your business. (And life)

Here’s what I hear from my clients

  • I love helping people – but it’s disheartening not making the money I deserve for the work I do put in.
  • People keep telling me to do it my way – I would if I knew what that was.
  • Outsourcing your…

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3 Tips to Magnetize Your Marketing Message


Marketing can be an enigma. There are so many formulas to choose from, tools to use and last but not least 1,000’s of people who have made gazillions using their method and ask us to invest in their programs to get the same result.

The truth is we have very different ways of processing information and delivering it, not to mind the message we are actually here to bring. But when we spent the first 1/3 of our lives learning others ideas – it isn't easy to develop our own. Do you know your market…

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3 Ways to Activate the Prosperity in your Business

3 Steps to Activate the Prosperity Pathway in Your Business

Your prosperity pathway is your inner game of making money. This is your natural process to magnetize money, clients and opportunities into your life and work. Your ability to create healthy flow in every area of your life, health, relationships and personal satisfaction.

When your pathway is off, you may experience the following:

  • Anxiety about money and resources due to slowdown in clients, cashflow and opportunities.
  • Your marketing may not get the results you want
  • Conflicts in your rel…

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